Directions to Showroom
Thank you for your interest in visiting our showroom at the heart of downtown Toronto!
Please see the photo guide of how to get to our showroom in step by step instructions below.
1. Once you arrive at our location at 384 Yonge Street (The Shops At Aura), please proceed to the front of the door.

2. Once you are inside of the building, look to your right and there will be 3 elevators that will take you to the floor of our showroom.

3. Press the elevator button to go down and inside the elevator, press the button for P1 (CONCOURSE).

4. Once the elevator opens, you'll see the hallway leading to our showroom. Walk straight for about 20 feet (Pass the Angel @ Aura & Homelife New World Realtor).

5. Once you have walked passed the realtor, you'll see our showroom with sign as below. We are located at Aura East Unit # 2.

Please let us know if you have problem locating our showroom.
Thank you and we hope to see you soon!